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Friday Night Youth Club
6:30 pm18:30

Friday Night Youth Club

Engaging young people (primary 4 - secondary) with all sorts of fun and mayhem… every single week! With all sorts of games, times to learn from the bible, and lots of special events. We want our young people to be involved in the community and look out for one another. We want to be a place where our young people can ask big questions and get answers. We want to look after our young people and give them a safe place to have fun and good friendships. We’re looking forward to meeting them all: although we’re determined that they won’t to beat us at our own games (there will be a scoreboard).

6-7.30pm - Primary 4-7 aged young people

7.30-9pm - Secondary school aged young people

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Friday Night Youth Club
6:30 pm18:30

Friday Night Youth Club

Engaging young people (primary 4 - secondary) with all sorts of fun and mayhem… every single week! With all sorts of games, times to learn from the bible, and lots of special events. We want our young people to be involved in the community and look out for one another. We want to be a place where our young people can ask big questions and get answers. We want to look after our young people and give them a safe place to have fun and good friendships. We’re looking forward to meeting them all: although we’re determined that they won’t to beat us at our own games (there will be a scoreboard).

6-7.30pm - Primary 4-7 aged young people

7.30-9pm - Secondary school aged young people

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3:30 pm15:30


Make&Bake is geared towards primary-aged children and their families. Featuring crafts, games, baking, and indoor team games all run by volunteers from local churches in Highland Perthshire. Drop in to Aberfeldy Town Hall and join your children as they enjoy these organised activities. We would love to see you there.

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Car Wash & Coffee Morning
10:00 am10:00

Car Wash & Coffee Morning

In support of the work our Mission Possible partners Steadfast Global do with persecuted believers across the globe. Come along to our building on Atholl Road and get your car washed by our teenagers and youth leaders while you sit in our pop-up cafe enjoying some fresh coffee or tea of your choice followed by fantastic home-baking. What’s not to like?

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Pitlochry's Alpha
6:00 pm18:00

Pitlochry's Alpha

Alpha is a series of weekly sessions where you can explore the Christian faith in an open-minded and welcoming environment. There’s no cost and no pressure. Just lots of great conversation and space to think. Each session includes food, a short talk, and a time of discussion where you can share your thoughts abut what you’ve heard. Whatever questions you’ve got, you can ask them at Alpha.

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Christianity Explored
to 4 Jun

Christianity Explored

  • Pitlochry Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Christianity Explored is an informal eight-week course designed for people who would like to investigate Christianity within a relaxed, informal and social environment. Looking at the biblical book of Mark, it explores who Jesus is, why he came and what it means to follow him today. 

Whether you have previous experience of Church, Christianity and the Bible, or none at all, this course is designed to give you the time and space to think about the big questions of life and to explore the life of Jesus, the man at the heart of the Christian faith. You will not be asked to read aloud or pray – it is simply an opportunity for you to ask questions or just listen to the eyewitness accounts/claims of those who knew Jesus best. 

These free online courses will be hosted in a password protected Zoom meeting, the information for which will be shared nearer the time.

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Alpha Prayer
5:00 pm17:00

Alpha Prayer

Join us as we pray for Pitlochry’s Alpha course which runs from 12th January - 23rd February 2020. The Alpha Course is one of the most amazing tools in the hands of the Church today. Combining food, a talk and good conversation, people can explore the Christian faith in a relaxed and non-threatening environment. Our intention at Alpha Prayer is to specifically cover that gathering in prayer. Join us!

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