
Filtering by: Family
Baptisms at the Dell
12:00 pm12:00

Baptisms at the Dell

  • Ladies Dell, Armoury Rd Pitlochry, PH16 5AP United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Baptism Worship Gathering at Lady's Dell.

"Come rain or shine - we're getting wet anyway"

Head for Armoury Road in Pitlochry. Then go down the hill to Loch Faskally on the right rather than to the Dam straight ahead (Though you may want to drive to the Dam,  park below the SSE visitor centre and walk down across the grass).

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Easter Egg Hunt
3:00 pm15:00

Easter Egg Hunt

Families with small children in Pitlochry! Why not join us at the Delta Road Play Park (the one next to the vets surgery) for a whopping great big Easter egg hunt from 3pm onwards? There will be other games and fun stuff taking place like making great big humungous bubbles and the messy tossing the egg competition. This is one of the fun ways that we’re enjoying Easter at PBC - as Christians we’re celebrating the moment in history where Jesus rose from the dead, just as he said he would, remembering the stone that was rolled away from the entrance to his grave tomb.

Remember, when you come along to the hunt bring a bag or bucket for collecting the Easter eggs!

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Pitlochry's Community Nativity
4:00 pm16:00

Pitlochry's Community Nativity

Join us in our transformed church car park outside our building on Atholl Road for Pitlochry’s Community Nativity. The Nativity will be retold by members of our community, and will celebrate the sharing of the greatest gift ever given. With carols and music, laughter and poignant thoughtful moments, hot refreshments and snacks, we hope the Community Nativity will be a highlight of Pitlochry’s Christmas and bring families together in the most wonderful way.

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3:30 pm15:30


Make&Bake is geared towards primary-aged children and their families. Featuring crafts, games, baking, and indoor team games all run by volunteers from local churches in Highland Perthshire. Drop in to Aberfeldy Town Hall and join your children as they enjoy these organised activities. We would love to see you there.

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PBC's Annual Golf Competition
1:30 pm13:30

PBC's Annual Golf Competition

Now into its 6th year, our Annual Golf Competition sees keen golfers pit themselves against one another in teams of 3 playing to Texas Scramble rules. It’s a family event with the youngest and the eldest having fun, encouraging one another, and hopefully picking up some awards at the end when the church family cheers them onto the 18th green beside the Clubhouse at the end.

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Etape Sunday Worship Gathering
6:00 pm18:00

Etape Sunday Worship Gathering

The Etape Road Race is a cycling event that has attracted many thousands of participants to Pitlochry since its inception in 2007. This closed road race starts in Pitlochry, winds its way around Highland Perthshire, before finishing back in Pitlochry right outside our church building on Atholl Road.

During the event, the road outside our building is blocked off to motorists. Gathering for worship at our usual time is therefore not possible. So, we’ll be cheering all the riders over the finish line, and then meeting together at 6pm for our Worship Gathering.

Please Note: During the Etape Road Race the road outside the church building is closed to vehicles. Pitlochry’s main car park on Atholl Road is also commandeered for this event.

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Passover Seder Meal
7:00 pm19:00

Passover Seder Meal

You are invited to attend a Passover Seder meal. The Seder meal is the traditional Passover meal to remember the suffering and persecution of the Jewish people in Egypt and the miraculous way that God brought them out of slavery. This experience can help us prepare for Easter by deepening our understanding of Passover and the way that it set the stage for Jesus – the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.

For more details, or to book a seat at the table, get in contact with us through the Get In Touch page.

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6:00 pm18:00



It promises to be a great night, and we'd love to have you along to it.

Suitable for all ages... and all levels of dancing ability! 

Ceilidh Dancing - Food - Drinks

And it’s FREE!!!

All and any donations received on the night will be sent to our Mission Possible partner Steadfast Global and their work with persecuted Christians throughout the world.

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Easter Sunday Family Worship Gathering
10:30 am10:30

Easter Sunday Family Worship Gathering

Christ is risen; He is risen, indeed!

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to our Easter Sunday Family Worship Gathering at our building on Atholl Road. Our Worship Gathering begins at 10:30am.

There are ample parking spaces in front of the church building and the surrounding neighbourhood.

If this is the first time you will have been to PBC. Relax. It'll be great to get to know you.

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Church BBQ in the Park
1:00 pm13:00

Church BBQ in the Park

We’re hanging out in the community with the church family. This year we’re sparking up the barbeque at the Recreation Ground in Pitlochry. As always, there will be plenty food for all, and maybe some ultimate frizbee or rounders. As we live in Scotland, it’s weather permitting. So, if it’s raining, we’ll get the barbeque going in our church carpark and have some food in the church building after our Worship Gathering.

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