
Filtering by: OUTreach
Soup Lunch
12:00 pm12:00

Soup Lunch

Drop by every Friday to the Soup Lunch and for a chat. Some of those who regularly attend are part of our church family, but many others are neighbours and friends who have found the Soup Lunch to be a place they like to come back to again and again. You are assured of a warm welcome.

The Soup Lunch takes place every Friday (October to April) in the Atholl Centre which is located at the back of our church building on Atholl Road. And it’s free.

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Soup Lunch
12:00 pm12:00

Soup Lunch

Drop by every Friday to the Soup Lunch and for a chat. Some of those who regularly attend are part of our church family, but many others are neighbours and friends who have found the Soup Lunch to be a place they like to come back to again and again. You are assured of a warm welcome.

The Soup Lunch takes place every Friday (October to April) in the Atholl Centre which is located at the back of our church building on Atholl Road. And it’s free.

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Christmas Day Lunch
1:00 pm13:00

Christmas Day Lunch

Join us for the Christmas Day Lunch 2024 at the Atholl Centre (located to the rear of our building on Atholl Road). The Christmas Day Lunch is a free event and will take place on Monday 25th December from 1pm onwards.

If you plan to join us, contact Helen Kirkwood at the Atholl Centre on 01796 473044 or at manager@athollcentre.org.uk to reserve your seat/s in advance of the day.

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3:30 pm15:30


Make&Bake is geared towards primary-aged children and their families. Featuring crafts, games, baking, and indoor team games all run by volunteers from local churches in Highland Perthshire. Drop in to Aberfeldy Town Hall and join your children as they enjoy these organised activities. We would love to see you there.

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Light in the Darkness
6:00 pm18:00

Light in the Darkness

This special worship gathering is a quiet evening reflecting on finding God in the midst of life’s darker moments. Our hope is to bring comfort to those whose experiences with loss, mental health or even just the Christmas blues may cause them to struggle with the in-your-face, over-the-top joy sometimes demanded during this time of the year.

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Wreath Making Evening
7:30 pm19:30

Wreath Making Evening

Join us at our annual Wreath Making Evening. All the materials for making the wreaths are provided on the night (although you’re free to bring some materials to share with others). We’re sure you will also enjoy the nibbles and refreshments provided for your enjoyment.


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Wreath Making Morning
10:00 am10:00

Wreath Making Morning

Due to popular demand, we're adding an additional Wreath Making Morning to our Christmas programme at Pitlochry Baptist Church. Join us and unleash your creativity as you design your very own Christmas wreath to hang on your door. This popular in-person event is the perfect opportunity to socialize, learn new skills, and add a personal touch to your home this Christmas. Whilst this is a free event there is a suggested donation of £10.00 per head where possible.

Book your place via the QR code displayed or via our Eventbrite page. Hurry before it’s too late!


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PBC's Annual Golf Competition
1:30 pm13:30

PBC's Annual Golf Competition

Now into its 6th year, our Annual Golf Competition sees keen golfers pit themselves against one another in teams of 3 playing to Texas Scramble rules. It’s a family event with the youngest and the eldest having fun, encouraging one another, and hopefully picking up some awards at the end when the church family cheers them onto the 18th green beside the Clubhouse at the end.

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Church BBQ in the Park
1:00 pm13:00

Church BBQ in the Park

We’re hanging out in the community with the church family. This year we’re sparking up the barbeque at the Recreation Ground in Pitlochry. As always, there will be plenty food for all, and maybe some ultimate frizbee or rounders. As we live in Scotland, it’s weather permitting. So, if it’s raining, we’ll get the barbeque going in our church carpark and have some food in the church building after our Worship Gathering.

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Pitlochry's Alpha
6:00 pm18:00

Pitlochry's Alpha

Alpha is a series of weekly sessions where you can explore the Christian faith in an open-minded and welcoming environment. There’s no cost and no pressure. Just lots of great conversation and space to think. Each session includes food, a short talk, and a time of discussion where you can share your thoughts abut what you’ve heard. Whatever questions you’ve got, you can ask them at Alpha.

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